pp.convdate <-
function (x)
x <- as.character(x)
xs <- strsplit(x, " ")
days <- sapply(xs, "[", 1)
mons <- sapply(xs, "[", 2)
yrs <- sapply(xs, "[", 3)
mons <- match(mons, c("January", "February", "March", "April",
"May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
"November", "December"))
mons <- as.character(mons)
nm <- nchar(mons)
mons[nm == 1] <- paste("0", mons[nm == 1], sep = "")
nd <- nchar(days)
days[nd == 1] <- paste("0", days[nd == 1], sep = "")
paste(yrs, mons, days, sep = "-")
pp.denplot <-
function (ret, name, start, end=NULL, lwd=2, main="", tlim=3,
probs=c(.99, .95, .90, .75, .25, .10, .05, .01), digits=0,
xlim=range(x, start, end), ...)
# function placed in the public domain 2011 by Burns Statistics
x <- start * exp(ret)
denx <- density(x, to=min(max(x), tlim * start))
plot(denx, main=main, xlab=name,
ylab="", lwd=lwd, col="steelblue", yaxt="n", xlim=xlim, ...)
abline(v=start, col="green")
if(length(end)) abline(v=end, col="red")
quans <- quantile(x, probs=probs)
qtext <- paste(format(probs*100), "%: ", format(round(quans,
digits=digits)), sep="")
text(max(denx$x) - .02 * start, adj=1, .8 * par("usr")[4],
paste(qtext, collapse="\n"))
pp.garchblocksim <-
function (garobj, block, ahead = 250, number = 5000, collapse = TRUE,
var.out = FALSE, trim = 0.001)
subfun.samp <- function(resids, top, bseq, nb, ahead, block) {
ans <- rep(NA * 0, ahead)
for (i in 1:nb) {
this.samp <- resids[sample(top, 1) + bseq]
if (runif(1) < 0.5)
this.samp <- -this.samp
ans[bseq + 1 + block * (i - 1)] <- this.samp
length(ans) <- ahead
if (length(garobj$coef) != 3)
stop("garch(1,1) model only")
resids <- garobj$residuals
resids <- resids[!is.na(resids)]
top <- length(resids) - block + 1
bseq <- 0:(block - 1)
nb <- ceiling(ahead/block)
coefs <- garobj$coef
int <- coefs[1]
alph <- coefs[2]
beta <- coefs[3]
startvar <- garobj$fitted.values[length(resids)]^2
out <- array(NA, c(ahead, number))
if (var.out)
outv <- out
for (j in 1:number) {
this.res <- subfun.samp(resids, top, bseq, nb, ahead,
this.var <- startvar
for (i in 1:ahead) {
out[i, j] <- this.ret <- sqrt(this.var) * this.res[i]
this.var <- int + alph * this.ret^2 + beta * this.var
if (var.out)
outv[i, j] <- this.var
if (collapse) {
out <- colSums(out)
if (trim > 0) {
tlim <- quantile(out, c(trim, 1 - trim))
out <- out[out > tlim[1] & out < tlim[2]]
if (var.out) {
list(returns = out, condvar = outv, garch.coef = coefs)
else {
attr(out, "garch.coef") <- coefs
pp.garchsim <-
function (garobj, ahead = 250, number = 5000, collapse = TRUE,
var.out = FALSE, trim = 0.001)
if (length(garobj$coef) != 3)
stop("garch(1,1) model only")
resids <- garobj$residuals
resids <- resids[!is.na(resids)]
resids <- c(resids, -resids)
coefs <- garobj$coef
int <- coefs[1]
alph <- coefs[2]
beta <- coefs[3]
startvar <- garobj$fitted.values[length(resids)]^2
out <- array(NA, c(ahead, number))
if (var.out)
outv <- out
for (j in 1:number) {
this.res <- sample(resids, ahead, replace = TRUE)
this.var <- startvar
for (i in 1:ahead) {
out[i, j] <- this.ret <- sqrt(this.var) * this.res[i]
this.var <- int + alph * this.ret^2 + beta * this.var
if (var.out)
outv[i, j] <- this.var
if (collapse) {
out <- colSums(out)
if (trim > 0) {
tlim <- quantile(out, c(trim, 1 - trim))
out <- out[out > tlim[1] & out < tlim[2]]
if (var.out) {
list(returns = out, condvar = outv, garch.coef = coefs)
else {
attr(out, "garch.coef") <- coefs
pp.htmltable <-
function (x, filename = "", order = TRUE)
sfun.row <- function(r) {
cat(file = filename, append = TRUE, "
cat(file = filename, append = TRUE, paste("", r,
" | \n", sep = ""))
cat(file = filename, append = TRUE, "
if (!is.data.frame(x))
stop("expecting 'x' to be a data frame")
if (ncol(x) != 4)
stop("expecting 'x' to have 4 columns")
if (order) {
x <- x[order(x[, "value"]), ]
ref <- as.character(x[, "reference"])
ref <- paste("webpage",
sep = "")
x[, "reference"] <- ref
x[, "value"] <- format(x[, "value"], big.mark = ",")
x <- as.matrix(x)
cat("\n\n", file = filename)
sfun.row(paste("", colnames(x), "", sep = ""))
for (i in 1:nrow(x)) sfun.row(x[i, ])
\n", file = filename, append = TRUE)
pp.lores <-
function (x, nobs)
n <- length(x)
if (nobs > n) {
res <- x - mean(x)
else {
df <- data.frame(time = 1:n, y = drop(x))
lo <- loess(y ~ time, data = df, span = nobs/n)
res <- lo$residuals
pp.omnipred <-
function (symbol, name, prefix, year=2012, startdate=20030101, nobs=7,
block=50, lev=NULL, garsave=FALSE, trim=TRUE, Debug=FALSE)
# function placed in the public domain 2011 by Burns Statistics
if(!length(lev)) {
lev <- getYahooData(symbol, start=startdate)[, "Close"]
if(trim) {
dat <- index(lev)
out <- substring(dat, 1, 4) == year
lev <- lev[!out]
ret <- diff(log(lev))
res <- pp.lores(ret, nobs)
sco1 <- c(var(res) * .02, .05, .93)
gar1 <- garch(res, start=sco1)
sco2 <- c(var(res) * .01, .05, .94)
gar2 <- garch(res, start=sco2)
gsum1 <- sum(gar1$coef[-1])
gsum2 <- sum(gar2$coef[-1])
cat("fraction of zeros in res is", mean(abs(unclass(res)) < 1e-10),
cat("garch coeficients 1 are:\n")
cat("alpha + beta 1:", gsum1, "\n")
cat("garch coeficients 2 are:\n")
cat("alpha + beta 2:", gsum2, "\n")
initlev <- as.vector(tail(lev, 1))
cat("initial level is", initlev, "\n")
if(gsum1 < 1 && gsum2 >= 1) {
gar <- gar1
} else if(gsum2 < 1 && gsum1 >= 1) {
gar <- gar2
} else {
if(gar1$n.likeli < gar2$n.likeli) {
gar <- gar1
} else {
gar <- gar2
fullname <- paste(name, year, sep=" -- ")
if(block > 1) {
sim <- pp.garchblocksim(gar, block)
} else {
sim <- pp.garchsim(gar)
if(garsave) {
assign(paste(prefix, year, "gar", sep="_"), gar, pos=1)
assign(paste(prefix, year, "sim", sep="_"), sim, pos=1)
assign(paste(prefix, year, "res", sep="_"), res, pos=1)
if(Debug) assign(paste(prefix, year, "lev", sep="_"), lev, pos=1)
assign(paste(prefix, year, "initlev", sep="_"), initlev, pos=1)
assign(paste(prefix, year, "ecdf", sep="_"), ecdf(initlev * exp(sim)),
plotfile <- paste(prefix, "_", year, ".png", sep="")
png(file=plotfile, width=512)
par(mar=c(4,2,0,2) + .1)
pp.denplot(sim, fullname, start=initlev)
pp.png <-
function (filename, mar = c(5, 4, 0, 2), ...)
png(file = filename, width = 512)
par(mar = mar + 0.1, ...)
pp.predframe <-
function (prefix, person, firm, value, reference, note = "",
year = 2011)
pfnam <- paste(prefix, "_", year, ".predframe", sep = "")
nin <- length(person)
if (length(firm) != nin)
stop("bad length for 'firm'")
if (length(value) != nin)
stop("bad length for 'value'")
if (length(reference) != nin)
stop("bad length for 'reference'")
note <- rep(note, length = nin)
new <- data.frame(person = person, firm = firm, value = value,
reference = reference)
if (exists(pfnam, where = 1)) {
old <- get(pfnam, pos = 1)
ans <- rbind(old, new)
attr(ans, "prefix") <- attr(old, "prefix")
attr(ans, "year") <- attr(old, "year")
attr(ans, "description") <- attr(old, "description")
else {
ans <- new
attr(ans, "prefix") <- prefix
attr(ans, "year") <- year
cat("Need to add 'description' attribute to", pfnam,
assign(pfnam, ans, pos = 1)
pp.predplot <-
function (pframe, ..., end=NULL)
# function placed in the public domain 2011-2012 by Burns Statistics
fprefix <- paste(attr(pframe, "prefix"), attr(pframe, "year"),
name <- paste(attr(pframe, "description"), attr(pframe, "year"),
sep=" - ")
ret <- get(paste(fprefix, "sim", sep="_"))
start <- get(paste(fprefix, "initlev", sep="_"))
lrange <- start * exp(range(ret))
pp.denplot(ret, name, start, end=end,
xlim=range(lrange, pframe[, "value"], end), ...)
abline(v=pframe[, "value"], col="purple")
pp.yearendplot <-
function (name, prefix, year=2011)
# function placed in the public domain 2012 by Burns Statistics
fullname <- paste(name, year, sep=" -- ")
sim <- get(paste(prefix, year, "sim", sep="_"))
initlev <- get(paste(prefix, year, "initlev", sep="_"))
endlev <- get(paste(prefix, year + 1, "initlev", sep="_"))
pfn <- paste(prefix, '_', year, '.predframe', sep='')
plotfile <- paste(prefix, "_", year, "_end.png", sep="")
png(file=plotfile, width=512)
par(mar=c(4,2,0,2) + .1)
if(exists(pfn, where=1)) {
pp.predplot(get(pfn), end=endlev)
} else {
pp.denplot(sim, fullname, start=initlev, end=endlev)